A Mother's Day Letter for My Dear Wife
Mother's Day is upon us once again. And while card companies utilize these holidays for their financial gains, I do believe in the significance of honoring the mom's in our lives on Mother's Day. Today I want to honor my dear wife, Lindsay.
In preparing for Home Assignment - leaving for the US in less than 2 weeks - I am reminded that I am married not only to a wonderful wife but a godly mother, too. Here is a letter that I hope blesses and honors my wife and mother of our children, but I hope can be echoed as an encouragement to moms/wives in your lives as well. Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Dear Lindsay,
Amidst my immaturity of our dating years, lack of understanding of godly leadership and grasp of what the marital covenant would even entail, I clearly remember believing that one day you would be a godly mother to our children if God would so have us to be married and have children. That thought was nearly 12 years ago, and that belief has surely proven true.
During our early married years of financial uncertainty, lack of stable income and my youthfulness God helped me through your calm, quiet and trusting faith in our ever present Lord.
We then welcomed our firstborn and I remember the sacrifice of transition. You moved from the realm of full-time teacher and working wife to stay-at-home mom and caring for our Clark. You battled those early motherhood struggles of loneliness and feeling inadequate through a calm, quiet and trusting faith in our ever present Lord.
When we received our biggest surprise - our only daughter, Mollie - just 15 months later, I noticed again. This was during a season of leaving my stable, full-time employment in the insurance industry and allowing me to lead our family to the mission field. But, this required sacrifice of stable income, a home we grew to love and cherish and the inevitability that we would leave a life in America that would never be the same again. You were my rock during those uncertain times - my calm, quiet and trusting wife who always pointed me to Jesus.
We then left for Japan in early 2017. You said good-bye to the life of an American mom. You said good-bye to regular playdates with what became your very best friend. You said good-bye to involvement with ministries you'd naturally take part in as a mom - AWANA, Children's Church, etc. You said good-bye to regular Ladies Bible Studies and being under the constant teaching of the Word through our beloved home church in Lynchburg. You said good-bye to having Bear - our third born - be born in America with all the uncertainties of giving birth overseas. You said good-bye to regular family visits during holidays and special occasions. You said good-bye to Aldi around the corner and Target down the street - essentials for a 2019 mom!
You said hello to sacrifice, dying to self, loving the kids and I well, new friends who may not speak any English, learning a completely foreign language, living in a tiny home, hard and discouraging ministry experiences and supporting me time and time again with your calm, quiet and trusting ways of nurturing our family with Jesus's love.
You've allowed God to change, challenge and grow you up in the most gracious way. You've allowed me to lead in my unique and often scattered-thought type of way. You've allowed our children to embrace a culture that is not the one we grew up with. You allowed Japanese friends to be your encouragement, your hug and your companion on especially lonely difficult days.
I don't worship you. But, I worship the God who has done an amazing work in your life - to become that calm, quiet and trusting wife and mother. The four of us are blessed beyond measure to have you in our lives as are many others.

I recall Paul's words to Timothy, his faithful brother in Christ, who grew up under the influence of a godly mom and grandmother. Paul writes,
"I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure dwells in you as well" (2 Timothy 1:5).
I know the adoration of Jesus rests deeply in your heart. You're face and life are indeed radiant - because you love Jesus. And because of that, I am humbled yet thrilled to know Clark, Mollie and Bear have you to look to as their Eunice - their calm, quiet and trusting Momma. May you feel special this day, because God has indeed gifted us a special women to our family. Thank you for being you and allowing God to use you for His glory in our family. We love you.
Happy Mother's Day, dear.
Love, Justin