The Beauty of Partnership
Have you ever written a book or been asked to contribute to one? Us neither...until 3 months ago. "What's this book about?" you may be wondering?
The person who emailed us explained that she and her husband were writing a book of missionary stories highlighting God's faithfulness in bringing the nations to worship Him. Boy, what an honor to be asked! But, we faced one problem.
We haven't left for Japan yet!
We explained to her that we were on the tail end of our pre-field ministry and would love to contribute. But we could only speak to our brief stays in Japan and how God worked in raising our financial support this past year.
She responded back enthusiastically that they'd love to have our pre-field ministry storied! Their goal is to capture the entire picture of the missionary's ministry. This includes ways God has faithfully provided our financial partnerships.
So, Lindsay and I began brainstorming what we could present to these folks to insert into their book. As we reflected together on all that God has done in raising up partners to fund our ministry, we praised God for the beauty of partnership. We've shared in numerous living rooms, a plethora of churches and even a small business. God has graciously allowed our family to witness Him stirring in the hearts of His people to partner with us to see God's Glory in Japan.
God's desire is for His people to partner with those called to go for the proclamation of His gospel (Phil. 4:14-15), the drawing of all peoples to Himself (Phil. 2:9-10) and the glory of His Name (Psalm 96:3; Rev. 5:9). This involves the entire church - both the sender/partner and the missionary - in His work to see Jesus' Name known amongst all peoples.
Note how John encourages his churches to care for missionaries:
"Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth." -- 3 John 5-8
Our partners indeed are fellow workers in this ministry. How beautiful! What a gift! This is the beauty of partnership. Check out how God has literally brought people from coast to coast to partner with us to see God's Glory in Japan.

Thank you for your partnership!
Check out these resources about the benefits of missionaries raising up financial partners: